GroBrain is a member of the Association for Infant Mental Health (AIMH UK) which exists to generate awareness of and knowledge about the importance of infant mental health.

We highly recommend you join if you are not already a member. They have an excellent range of resources for practitioners as well as parents.

AIMH UK and the International Training School for Infancy & Early Years (ITSIEY) have developed a range of competencies for all staff working with infants and their parents/caregivers from pregnancy to the 2nd year of life.

Competencies are the skills, knowledge and behaviours that enable practitioners to deliver high-quality care and the continuous improvement of services.

If you are working as an Early Years practitioner, you will probably be aiming to achieve the competencies at Level 1.

Click here to open the Level 1 Self Assessment Form

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Online Foundation Course

How to integrate infant mental health into your work

This course equips you to talk to parents one-to-one about:

  • Infant brain development

  • Emotional regulation

  • Attachment

  • Attunement

Course consists of online training plus the GroBrain Resource Pack as shown (sent in the post.)


Online training to deliver the Baby Course

This training equips experienced facilitators to deliver a GroBrain Baby Course for parents with babies pre-birth to aged 12 months. The Baby Course consists of four sessions.

  1. Bonding and brain development

  2. Managing crying and distress

  3. Communication and play

  4. Stress management for parents

In this current situation, facilitator training is delivered via Zoom.


Online training to deliver the Toddler Course

This training equips experienced facilitators to deliver the GroBrain Toddler Course for parents with infants aged 1 -3, consisting of 5 sessions:

  1. Toddler brain development

  2. Attachment and emotional development

  3. Helping toddlers manage their emotions & behaviour (Part 1)

  4. Helping toddlers manage their emotions and behaviour (Part 2)

  5. Communication, play and school readiness

Facilitator training is delivered via Zoom.

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Visual resources

Visit our Shop to purchase visual resources:

  • Parent Packs

  • Leaflets

  • Posters

  • Booklets

Feedback on our training


“Health visitors use the knowledge and course content/information on a day-to-day basis in an informal way, which is wonderful.”

Health Visiting Service Manager 2 years after we trained her team

“What fantastic training!  The whole course was engaging and informative.  The strategies taught in order to facilitate to parents were simple and so easy to use.  You receive an excellent facilitator pack too which is full of the tools needed to deliver the information to parents.  Many of the staff are already delivering key messages from the training to parents who are attending our parenting groups/baby massage etc.”

March 2019
Tania Hayward, Family Support Coordinator for Flying Start, Blaenau-Gwent 

"We love this programme in Flying Start.  The Grobrain Baby Course is now being used in antenatal and postnatal parenting groups across Cardiff. Exciting to see how quickly the programme has taken off!”

Flying Start Manager Cardiff 2018