Helping parents raise emotionally healthy infants
At the heart of GroBrain is a passion to help parents raise emotionally healthy infants.
Our simple jargon-free tools help practitioners explain infant mental health to parents with babies pre-birth to age 3, and how early relationships shape the developing brain.
Foundations for emotional wellbeing are laid in the earliest months and years of life, when the brain is developing at its fastest. Sadly this is often where things start to go wrong, and less healthy ways to manage emotions can get passed on through lack of understanding.
GroBrain is committed to raising a generation of emotionally healthier children who - in time - become emotionally healthier adults who are better informed on how to raise emotionally healthier children.
GroBrain trains health professionals and practitioners working with parents and infants to integrate infant mental health into their regular practice. Our unique visual approach makes infant mental health easy to explain, and easy for parents to understand. A picture is worth 1000 words!
For practitioners
Do you want to integrate infant mental health into your work?
Our online Foundation Course equips you to talk to parents 1:2:1 about infant brain development and attachment.
Do you want to deliver a GroBrain Parenting Course?
Our Facilitator Training equips you to run a GroBrain Baby or Toddler Course online (e.g via Zoom) or ‘in person’.
How GroBrain is being used by the Swansea Parenting Team
Why use GroBrain?
Over the past 12 years GroBrain has helped health professionals and childcare practitioners transform the lives of thousands of families.
Effective with a wide range of parents, including those who are more vulnerable.
All our materials are based on sound principles of neuroscience and child development.
We don’t just give you head knowledge. We equip you to explain the theory to parents in a simple way.
Infant mental health can be integrated into your regular work with parents, even when time is short.
Accredited by the Association of Infant Mental Health and mapped to their Framework of Competencies at Level 2.
"GroBrain is an integral part of all we do, and can be applied to any situation. The 'brain wiring' is just so simple for parents to understand and it's the bit they remember."
— Mike Davies, JIGSO Manager, Swansea April 2019. Quote Source